Oh, well imagine
As I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor
And I can't help but to hear
No, I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words
"What a beautiful wedding!
What a beautiful wedding!?, says a bridesmaid to a waiter
"And yes, but what a shame, what a shame
The poor groom's bride is a whore"
I Write Sins Not Tragedies - Panic! At The Disco
Hi there.
I am The Bride (also known in the blogosphere as Atticus Sampson) and this here is my wedding blog where I will bore you all endlessly about the details of my wedding. Yay!
A bit about me:

Well, I CAN get more specific than that as I DO have a real name...
OK, when I am not The Bride I'll be Kitty.
Nickname: Bridie? Let's work on that some more eh.
Age: I just entered my dirty thirties
Birthplace: Melbourne, Australia
Hometown: Melbourne, Australia
Occupation: Stay-at-home Mummy of three.
Righty or Lefty: In respect to handwriting - I am a lefty. Politically, I like to sit on the fence. I have little to no interest in politics and recently have had to ask people to explain Occupy Melbourne to me.
Heritage: As Aussie as they come. But my grandmother was sitting on the end of the pier waiting for her family to emigrate from the UK before she was born (old, lame family joke courtesy of my mum).
Favourite colour: Green
Favourite animal: I like tigers. I also like dogs.
Favourite TV show: I did like Underbelly Razor. Now the show I watch the most is *cough* The Love Boat. And 7th Heaven. And sometimes Touched By An Angel. I mean, my favourite show is Shameless. What? It's not on anymore. Um.
Favourite movie: The Boat That Rocked. I proposed to my man during it and he knocked me back. I haven't watched it since because the pain is too raw. Also because I watch about three DVDs a year.
Favourite cartoon: Fireman Sam because I love Elvis Cridlington. (I love that there is even a Fireman Sam Wiki). I also like Samurai Pizza Cats. And Futurama. I am eclectic.
Favourite song: Depends on my mood - lately I like this one but this one is also an old favourite.
Favourite sport: I like to watch soccer, and sometimes tennis. Myself I play Brazilian Jiu Jitsu which is basically sweaty men wrestling with each other trying to break each others arms off. Here is an explanation of it.
Favourite actor: Heath Ledger. Or Colin Farrell (fans self). I used to love Jude Law, but now...eh. I also loves Wolverine.
Favourite musician: I enjoy the music of James Dixon Swan, a Scottish singer.
Favourite athlete: Most people would think I'd like an AFL player, because I am a girl and I don't KNOW any athletes, but I like Valentino Rossi aka The Doctor who races really fast motorbikes around Phillip Island and elsewhere.
Favourite comedian: Hmmm. I don't know. I think lots of actors are funny whether they intend to be or not.
Favourite food: I used to like Thai food, but then I ate some bad food and got violently sick so I haven't touched it since - at the moment I like peri-peri chicken.
Favourite drink: Alcoholic: Baily & Baily Queen Bee. Non-alcoholic: Pineapple juice and lemonade
Favourite number: 22
Favourite school subject: I used to love Year 12 Maths because it was easy.
Favourite clothing: My $5 canvas shoes from Big W. I am hoping to incorporate them into my wedding attire.
Favourite book: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, and Hover Car Racer by Matthew Reilly
Favourite snack food: Salt and vinegar chips - apparently its an Aussie thing
Favourite season: Summer because you can go to the pool without freezing to death.
What is your hobby?: Making stuff
What is your talent?: Making stuff (you will hear more about this later)
Age of first kiss: 15. He made me kiss his dog first. That's not a euphemism for anything.
Age you got married: Not married yet! (Hence this blog)
Age you had your first kid: I was 29.
Have you been drunk?: Oh God yes, but I haven't been since forever.
Have you been high?: I have been in a plane, yes.
Have you ever been arrested?: No. I have lead a sheltered life.
Have you ever been in a fight?: Yes. Mostly with the same girl. Lots of screaming. Quite impressive.
Have you ever been in an accident?: Yes when a car assumed me being stationary at a red light indicated that I was going to continue driving. Ka-BAM! into the back of my car.
What are your greatest fears?: I am afraid of Scientologists.
What is your greatest pet peeve: People talking about me behind my back. I CAN'T STAND IT!
How many tattoos do you have?: None. Yet.
How many piercings do you have?: I did have three, but they are closed over. I shall have to attack them with a needle.
And that bring us to the conclusion of the first blog post of 'My Big Fat Martha Stewart Blog'. Please subscribe here and come back soon to see what else I chitter chat about. I have also made a Facebook page for ease of sticky-beaking on what I have been gabbling about. Come and like me!
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