So I'm basically inept at all this wedding planning business.
Until veeeery recently I thought a wedding theme was dressing up as Shrek, or having 'tropical' food, or making it look like the 1920s at your reception, but I've since become aware that your wedding theme are the colours.
I thought colours would be easy. I love colours. I trawl through the internet to find RGB (or HEX codes) to put into my range of desktop publishing programs to get all sorts of colours. I love it.
But picking colours for my wedding is just driving me mad!
So without further adieu, these are the colours that I have picked for mine and The Man's wedding in December:
Oyster |
Cream |
Fern |
Ivory |
Mushroom |
Mulberry |
It was going to have more purple, but then I decided to use shades of white.
Now I'm too far into the planning process to change the colours again, so these are how they will have to stay! And there'll probably be a bit more purple and green, but the main idea was to have mostly shades of white that wouldn't clash with the walls at the reception venue which are a pinky colour - like this:
Light salmon |
And apparently just saying that my colours are cream and green and purple isn't specific enough.